The Kinks – God Save the Kinks!

Part One


Imagine, just for a moment if you will, that it is the late summer of 1964 and you are driving along listening to the AM radio. Even nearing the mid-sixties, the hippest pop/rock stations were still playing a remarkable wide variety of songs…

Welcome to Old Neal

Old Neal is my homage to Old Souls–those who, like me, were born old yet nevertheless remain young in their approach to life.

Naturally Old Neal venerates history’s greatest Old Souls: Towering figures such as Bertrand Russell, George Sanders, and P.G. Wodehouse’s literary creation of Jeeves and Wooster. These are Old Neal’s heroes and you will find many of them in the Hall of Fame section.

Yet Old Neal does not live in the past, but rather enjoys the the present and eagerly awaits the future. Most of all however, Old Neal avoids the fast and frenetic aspects of the world and instead concentrates on the slower and more important endeavors in life: good friends, good conversations, good books, good music, a life well led, long and frequent naps, and of course, a deep and abiding appreciation of indolence in all its wonderful forms.

So please take a look around the site where I hope you will find something that reflects life in the very slow lane!


Neal Schier 

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