Underrated? Maybe, maybe not!

Underrated? Maybe, maybe not!

Underrated? Maybe, maybe not! 1,475 words • 10 minutes While reading though the comment sections of most internet forums and YouTube it only takes a second or two to stumble across someone who is bemoaning that his or her favorite artist, musician, athlete, scientist...
Music Explainers– the nicest people on the internet

Music Explainers– the nicest people on the internet

Music Explainers– The nicest people on the internet 1330 words • 9 minutes One day when I was in military pilot training an instructor tried to put me at ease by saying: “In flight school the ground academics are the easy part—the flying is where it gets difficult.”...
Loud Voices and the Barks of a Dog

Loud Voices and the Barks of a Dog

Loud Voices and the Barks of a Dog 1,200 words • 5 minutes When I was living in Japan, every day I would religiously read Tokyo’s English language newspapers. These were high-quality publications and ones in which the editors would, surprisingly, open the letters...
Why Do People Insist on Going With Three Names?

Why Do People Insist on Going With Three Names?

Why Do People Insist on Going With Three Names? 350 words • 3 minutes Frankly I do not know. I mean no offense here as some long names are almost musical sounding, but I find the use of three names to be rather pretentious. Again, not always, but for most people a...
A Southern Profanity

A Southern Profanity

A Southern Profanity 928 words • 7.1 minutes When I was growing up, I never heard my parents use profanity—never once. It just wasn’t used in our household and I can hardly imagine the trouble that would have been in store for me had I uttered foul oaths in front of...
Johann Sebastian Bach says, “Let me try that!”

Johann Sebastian Bach says, “Let me try that!”

Johann Sebastian Bach says, “Let me try that!” 1,320 words • 7 minutes I recently heard a quote about J.S. Bach that made me think harder about something than I have in quite some time. Bach, it was said, was better at what he did, composing and performing music, than...