The tragedy of the three-minute pop song

The tragedy of the three-minute pop song

The tragedy of the three-minute pop song 1,675 words • 8 minutes For those of us of a certain age (and I use the word certain very loosely mind you), we have good memories of listening to pop/rock music on a transistor radio. Surprising as it is to young people, apart...
Boniface the dog comments on style – Part 2

Boniface the dog comments on style – Part 2

Boniface the dog comments on style – Part 2 1,375 words • 7 minutes Boniface’s friend Scrappy, a Bichon, had joined us and made herself comfortable on one of the chairs next to him. She could tell that he was deep in thought, and since she was in no hurry, she waited...
Annoying words and names for career choices – Part 2

Annoying words and names for career choices – Part 2

Words that annoy us and do last names predict a career? Miscellany Part 2 1,510 words • 8 minutes Annoying words, people with certain names in certain careers, and other miscellaneous thoughts and questions. 1) We all appreciate the etymology of the various words that...